Oh OOV, how I love you!!
Now you may be thinking, “what the heck is an oov???” I get the weirdest look when I show it to students the first time.
It really is a revolutionary piece of equipment, designed to creates a multi directional challenge for the mover, allowing the body to move in many planes. The Oov can activate core stability, improve balance, allow supported extension and generally feel awesome!
It is made of special material that is soft and flexible, but pushes back at the same time.
Super cool.
It mimics the curvature of the spine, so when you lay on it you feel supported and a little stretched out.
Breathing is a super important part of Pilates and the Oov helps facilitate a shift from breathing with our accessory muscles to breathing from the diaphragm. This shift allows the nervous system to down regulate, and taking us to a rest and digest state.
One of my favorite warm up moves, I call it thrashing, is to lay supine on the oov and try to balance with your arms and legs off the ground. It is an immediate wake up to the core, elongates the spine, and gets the hips moving.
If your curious how the oov can help your movement goals, give me a shout.
How am I using the OOV to help my Pilates peeps?
🪶 Build foundational strength.
❄️ Supported extension to facilitate focused upper body movement.
🦩 Challenge balance and strengthen ankles.
👠 Support bone stacked alignment for side lying movements.
💪🏼 Improve shoulder stability and strength.
The list goes on………
If this sounds like something your interested in checking out, give me a shout here and I would love to chat about getting you into the studio to work on your movement goals.
Ciao ciao for now✌🏼